

Life goes on; life stays the same; everything changes (с)
Из интервью Эрика Крипке для Dreamwatch:

"(...) Dean has always been the good little soldier, dedicated to carrying out those orders. In terms of Dean's evolution, Jensen is doing such an unbelievable job because this character started out very brash and Han Solo-like, still has that Devil-may-care attitude, bus as the series goes on you're catching these careful, quiet glimpses of the absolutely screwed-to-Hell psyche that'd create a personality like that. That's what's been intriguing about Dean, the feelings of abandonment but also fierce loyalty he has for his father. Dean had an incredibly troubled childhood and didn't adjust nearly as well to the outside world as Sam. And the more you flesh that out, the more fascinating he becomes. He's so damaged on the one hand, and so charming on the other."

16.03.2006 в 14:30

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Вот, а теперь читаем часть моего фика мультифандомного, и я собой начинаю гордиться - таки схватила то, что хотел Крипке:)) Во всяком случае, надеюсь, что схватила:)))