Получился Дойл-60%.
Doyle. Mysterious. Celebrant. Man in the Know. Sinful. Hedonistic. You may not be a mover-and-shaker, but you rub elbows with them. You also seem to always know more than you are telling. Because you do. You keep things close to the breast for good reason. Not much is known about you and you like to keep it that way. You have a taste for some demeritorious, but not totally unethical, things. Just watch it doesn't take you too far, you are destined for great things.
Хотя всего на 2% от него отстают Виллоу, Ксандер и Джайлс. Вот такой разнобой.
Doyle 60%
Xander 58%
Willow 58%
Giles 58%
Lorne 55%
Anya 55%
Cordelia 53%
Angel 50%
Harmony 45%
Oz 45%
Wesley 38%
Spike 38%
Buffy 35%
Faith 30%
А если только в "Ангеле"-Фред. You're Fred! The clever one of the group, people often turn to you for help. You're stronger than most people would give you credit for
Fred 75%
Wesley 50%
Doyle 50%
Lorne 44%
Angel 44%
Cordelia 44%
Gunn 25%
Connor 25%