Did you see what Joss Whedon posted on Whedonesque.com about Veronica Mars?

I did. Several people sent me the link. His extraordinarily generous comments really made my week. I sent him a thank you e-mail, and he sent me back a note that said that, in watching Veronica Mars, he’s come to understand, better, the fervor of Buffy fans.

The things he complimented about our show -- the plotting, the dialogue, the relationships, the acting – are all elements I’ve admired in Buffy. Joss’ comments actually meant so much to me that I e-mailed my parents the link though I’m quite sure they don’t know who he is.

I’ve also put Season 2 of Buffy in my Netflix queue. I think I never let myself get fully-hooked by Buffy for the same reason that I feel a lot of people don’t watch Veronica. By the time the enthusiastic word-of-mouth reached me, I felt like I’d already missed the bus. I was afraid of being so far behind in the mythology that I couldn’t follow the ongoing storylines, though I would occasionally see episodes and admire the snappiness, the pacing, the angst.

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