Тривия на "Hot fuzz"

Ну правда:

The fictional "Norris Avenue" is named after Chuck Norris.

An early draft of the sсriрt included a love interest for Nicholas named Victoria. She was cut from later drafts, but her dialog was given to Danny, often without any changes. (а вы говорите, не ОТП)

Throughout the first half of the film, Danny asks Angel a number of annoying questions like "Have you ever shot two guns at once while diving through the air?" to which Angel responds "No -- you've been watching too many cop movies! The job isn't like that." Then in the second half of the film, every single thing that Danny has asked about, Angel has to do. He does shoot two guns while leaping through the air, etc. (вот действительно, что меня там поразило-ни один момент не был просто так, абсолютно каждая мелочь оправдывалась дальше по фильму)

Nick Frost got so attached to his Winchester shotgun during filming he named it "Emma". (Вера )

И тому подобное.

Надо бы пересмотреть, все же оно того стоило.