Addison saw "Gone With The Wind" for the first time when she was a little girl, small enough that she had to ask her parents to let her stay up late to watch it on TV.

Sometimes she moved her mouth along with the lines – never actually speaking over them, because she wanted to hear the actors. Just a soundless whisper: That's something you'll never hear from me, Rhett Butler, so long as you live.

Ashley Wilkes was a good man. That's the part that people sometimes lose sight of, that Ashley really is a better person than Rhett or Scarlett; Addison's always tried to remember that.

Ох, ну я просто не знаю, прочтите и все. Небольшой такой фик. Но там именно та Адди, правильная Адди. Которая знает наизусть "Унесенных ветром". Просто прочтите