Не могу в данную секунду не вспомнить одну цитату одного слейв фика. Первое предложение этого отрывка я вообще часто вспоминаю, на самом деле. А сейчас специально искала весь отрывок.
At the warehouse Frank was sorted and counted and liberated. He stood in long snaking lines of slaves, and talked in angry mutters while he waited for bored-looking officers of the Republic to stamp his papers. He learned that the Republic had as good as won, that the palace had been routed, that the king was in hiding, that the war was almost over. He learned that they would be taken to houses where they would be treated worse than field slaves, because they were charity cases in this new Republic. He sat in an uncomfortable wooden chair while a man in a strange uniform lectured all of them about what it meant to be free.
из этого фика
Это я так, сейчас очень в тему пришлось к тому, что я смотрю.