In early drafts of "The Secret Circle," one of the main characters -- Melissa, played by Jessica Parker Kennedy -- was gay. The show was based on a series of books first published a decade ago, and because Melissa was one character who didn't exist in the source material, there was a license to update the story. Initially, Melissa had a crush on her best friend Faye and was struggling to come to terms with her sexuality. After the show was further developed at the studio and the network level, Melissa became a straight girl with a thing for bad boys. At some point, some powerful person decided that was the story worth telling.
А вообще это статья о том, как в сериалах почти все герои белые и гетеросексуальные. И это шикарно, что именно эта моя аватарка (единственная не с Нелли Фуртадо) тут выпала.