Вернулась к чтению серии Parasol Protectorate (к 3ей книге). Меня очень сильно стал раздражать там один третьестепенный персонаж, и я на два месяца забросила книгу. А сейчас решила вернуться к ней. Таки прелесть. И цитата. Алексия, англичанка, никогда не бывавшая в Европе, попала в Италию (это 19 век вообще). И впервые попробовала кофе.
In addition to the melon, chunks of crunchy, salted bread, white with flour, were on offer, as well as a hard, sharp yellow cheese, apples, and a pitcher of some dark liquid that smelled like heaven. Floote poured a portion for her into his cup.

Alexia took a tentative sip and was quite overwhelmed by an acute sense of betrayal. It was absolutely vile tasting, a mixture of quinine and burnt dandelion leaves.
“That, I am to assume, is the infamous coffee?”
Madame Lefoux nodded, pouring herself a splash and then adding a good deal of honey and milk. Alexia could not believe a whole hive of honey capable of rescuing the foul drink. Imagine preferring that to tea!